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JHT art 1983
1981 1982 1983 1985 1988 1989

visible language workshop
at MIT

Art work created while at MIT Visible Language Workshop 1983-84.

Stills for a 3-D computer generated animation “Launch”, created at the Visible Language Workshop department at MIT during the period 1983-84. I wrote the modeling software, built the hardware controller to connect the main computer to the 1-inch Apex video tape recorder, and created the animation. I spent several months building the entire system. The computer would run over night for about 8 hours to render and record frame-by-frame a few seconds of animation.

Stills from a music video “Color Dance” created at the Visible Language Workshop at MIT during the period 1983-84. The dancers pictured are Countney Grey, an MIT student at the time, and his troupe. I programmed the computer frame buffer to create colorized video in real-time. I also directed and edited the video.

Frame from “Challenge” animation.

Frame from “Meeting” animation.

Frame from “Blow” animation. My last frame-by-frame
computer rendered animation. A video captured frame is
combined with computer rendered objects.



(c) 2001 John Henry Thompson - site by Pixelyze & CAGE