
John Henry Thompson

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http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/songclipsupdate Updated SongClips pages. 2011-11-20

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/songclips-app Update description of my SongClips and added demo clips. 2011-11-19

Post 943 2011-10-27

Post 944 2011-10-26

Another computer science pioneer passing. I remember the elegance of a lisp interpreter expressed in a few pages of lisp code. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-20125026-92/john-mccarthy-creator-of-lisp-programming-language-dies/ 2011-10-25

What’s possible before I reach 100? 2011-10-20

A fond farewell to another computer pioneer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Ritchie 2011-10-14

My practice of Ashtanga Primary Series after one year. 2011-10-03

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/i-choose-ashtanga Updated article - added links to individual asanas. 2011-09-24

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/day5ofashtangamysoreworkshop 2011-09-23

In My Yoga Journey added jumps into video from images of the asanas (postures). http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/yoga-journey 2011-09-09

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-YiEjrvqkA “…What’s up Money My name is T’Nez Me need you to buy my baby feedings … Clasp me hands and close me eyes Money where are you when me want cloths to buy Where are you when my mother feel ill and she can’t play the bill for prescription fill…” 2011-08-06

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVgjK5uJNPA 2011-07-13

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/ashtangaprimary100 2011-07-12

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upCetKXWseE 2011-07-10

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