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SELECTED PRESS | Zina Saro-Wiwa 2013-08-15
Was introduced to new Chinese restaurant, Han Dynasty. There web site is http://handynasty.net - I read it as Handy nasty! The food is great, the url amusing. 2013-07-22
Nari completed a piece in honor of his mother during his year in Italy: http://www.galleriacontinua.com/italiano/mostra.html?id_mostra=249 2013-07-09
Voyager 1 is traveling at a speed of approximately 38,030 mph, 17 km/s, or 11 miles a second. - @[528263203:2048:Alan M. Hochman] 2013-07-08
The father of WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing) passes on. (I was trying to remember the meaning of those letters - thanks @[528263203:2048:Alan M. Hochman]) 2013-07-08
Good bye to a computer pioneer 2013-07-08
Hi Connie! 2013-07-03
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