
John Henry Thompson

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https://github.com/jht1900/macr/blob/master/director-boxes/videoworks-front.jpg 2017-01-12

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/freestateofjones Facebook does not make it easy to share video, so I extracted and posted on youtube for better sharing. 2017-01-11

Good read. 2017-01-04

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/colorwheel-thebeautyofjavascript 2016-12-27

Mixed Medium 2016-12-22

Post 382 2016-12-22

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/keepingsoftwarealive Some hardy soul trying to keep old games alive (playable on new hardware). Even trying to build a Director engine to do this. 2016-12-22

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/loveiswisehatredisfoolish Facebook problem: you see interesting stuff but its hard to find it again even if you like it. Saw this interview in @[1248471482:2048:David Garrigues] stream but there was no direct link to youtube source. Re-posted here outside the Facebook box! 2016-12-10

Give this wonderful program a try! 2016-12-08

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/lookupandbeblissed 2016-12-08

30-Days of Yoga 2016-11-30

http://www.johnhenrythompson.com/z-blog-1/winterinamerica 2016-11-09

Post 394 2016-11-08

http://greatmigrationphl.org https://goinnorth.org 2016-11-08

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