07 Session - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
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posted Mar 23, 2013, 6:57 AM by John Henry Thompson [ updated May 4, 2013, 8:43 AM ]
April1: Learning in Communities (Session 7)
Panelists: Geetha Narayanan, Natalie Rusk
Readings in Preparation for Session 7:
* Natalie Rusk, Mitchel Resnick, & Stina Cooke (2009):Origins and Guiding Principles of the Computer Clubhouse, in The Computer Clubhouse: Constructionism and Creativity in Youth Communities.
Geetha Narayanan (2007): A Dangerous but Powerful Idea
Find out about and visit a creative learning space in your local area.
By “creative learning space,” we’re thinking of a place in which people are creating projects –and learning from each other as part of the process.
Here are some questions you may want to note when visiting. You could focus on one or two, and share back to the group. If you are already an active participant, share your experience.
Additional Resources:
* Roger Malina (2013). Towards a “Cloud Curriculum” in Art and Science., The STEAM Journal.
* Seymour Papert (1980). Mindstorms (Chapter 8: Images of the Learning Society)
Great intro to STEAM
Turn STEM into STEAM with arts education - John Maeda.
Roger Malina (2013:
John Maeda, President of the Rhode Island School of Design instigated compelling testimony to the U.S. Congress (STEMtoSTEAM.org, n.d.) articulating three types of arguments. First is the “creativity and innovation argument” that good ideas often come from friction or exploration at the boundaries of disciplines. Second, the ‘jobs of the future’ argument; that no government predicted the explosive growth of the game industries and social media industries, but many of the concepts came out of the arts and humanities community, and the cultural sector….The third argument is the ‘social and cultural innovation argument’. Most inventions are never socially adopted often for no good reason than the lack of design of the cultural appropriation process. We live in ‘silos’ even in this networked age (that often reinforces like-minded connectivity rather than divergent thinking). In the innovation industry there are now ‘accelerators’ that act as transitional spaces between the R and D and business incubator environment (Healthbox, n.d.).
Geetha Narayanan:
Dangerous ideas… challenge the dominant paradigms of the time and can be described as heretic (Brockman 2006).
The dangerous idea is that school reform, in India in particular, but across the world too, is impossible.
- wellness, not survival
- self & planet
- stories
- slow learning
Seymour Papert (1980): mentions Samba, leads me to Capoiera and neighborhood Yoga schools: http://yogagardennarberth.com/workshops/
Creative space: http://sweetmabel.com/
Build a workbench and created mosaic in March.
Computer Club House Principles
1. Learn by design
2. Following your interests
3. Building a community
- work together
- build on each others ideas
- mentors build too, teach by example
4. Respect & Trust
- Critical to building a community