08 Session - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
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posted Apr 8, 2013, 4:27 AM by John Henry Thompson [ updated Jul 15, 2013, 11:29 PM ]
April 8: Motivation and Persistence (Session 8)
Panelists: Avi Kaplan, Ricarose Roque, Natalie Rusk
Readings in Preparation for Session 8:
* Carol Dweck (2000): Self-Theories(Chapters 1-3)
* Daniel Pink (2009): Drive video clip and Motivation 3.0 interview (author of Drive)
* Paul Tough (2012): This American Life radio program (author of How Children Succeed)
* Edited by Natalie Rusk (2013): Notes on Motivation: Designing Environments to Support a Learning Goal Orientation
Activity: Tell about something you’ve worked on that you felt was meaningful and motivating. Explain what made you feel motivated. If you were designing a learning experience or environment, what would you do to help others feel motivated and engaged?
Additional Resources:
* Mitch Resnick (2012):Still a Badge Skeptic. HASTAC blog
* Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown (2011): Sam’s Story from A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change
* Alfie Kohn (2012): Is failure useful? (blog in response to How Children Succeed and related work)
* Alfie Kohn (1999): Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes (Chapter 1,Chapter 3).
Pink on Drive:
- Autonomy
- Mastery
- Purpose
This American Life: Back to School
Current edu emphasis on cognitive development
Other skills - James Heckman:
- tenacity
- resilience
- impulse control
Stress blocks learning
non cognitive skills can be taught at any time.
ask for help - “no shame in my game”
USA has highest college drop out rate in the world
make poor highly capable
How Children Succeed - Paul Tough
My activity: Yoga.
Avi Kaplan - temple univ. motivation study. What is purpose for motivation of student.
Mitch story on motivation - camp trip stories. experience vs. measurable goal. beauty of learning experience vs. accumulating badges.
Natalie - how do people keeping going when failure & frustration. Keep going if core is learning goal (develop abilities, improve self)
Learning Goal Environment
Personally meaningful
Learners make choices
Learning from mistakes; sharing ideas
Interests; diverse abilities
Work at own pace
source: Kaplan & Maehr, 2007
Ricarose Roque - Scratchers starting co-labs. site decided to support co-labs with contest. co-lab challenge –> co-lab camp. Promote constructive feedback.
Issue: competition as motivator.
Mitch: how to design to give recognition with out it becoming point system. how to foster constructive feedback. develop identity and roles (advisor, guide).
Sources of Intrinsic Motivation:
Competence - Purpose - Autonomy - Belonging
(e.g. Deci & Ryan, 2000; Turner et. al. 2011)