1.37 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 1 >
वीतराग विषयम् वा चित्तम् ॥३७॥
vītarāga viṣayam vā cittam ||37||
[RS] 1.37 - Or if what is mutable in human beings (chitta) is no longer the handmaiden of desire.
[SS] 1.37 Or by concentrating on a great soul’s mind which is totally freed from attachment to sense objects. [p60]
[TD] 1.37 When we are confronted with problems, the counsel of someone who has mastered similar problems can be can great help. [p160]
[EB] 1.37 Or [the mind becomes steady when it has] one who is free from desire as its object. [p135]
(वीत, vīta) = cease; stop
(राग, rāga) = desire; attachment
(विषयम्, viṣayam) = thing
(वा, vā) = or; also
(चित्तम्, cittam) = chitta, i.e. that which is mutable in human beings