1.43 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 1 >
स्मृतिपरिशुद्धौ स्वरूपशून्येवार्थमात्रनिर्भासा निर्वितर्का ॥४३॥
smṛti-pariśuddhau svarūpa-śūnyeva-arthamātra-nirbhāsā nirvitarkā ||43||
[SS] 1.43 When the memory is well purified, the knowledge of the object of concentration shines alone, devoid of the distinction of name and quality. This is nirvitarka samadhi, or samadhi without deliberation. [p68]
[TD] 1.43 When the direction of the mind toward the object is sustained, the ideas and memories of the past gradually recede. The mind becomes crystal clear and one with the object. At this moment there is no feeling of oneself. This is pure perception. [p162]
[EB] 1.43 Nirvitarka [samapatti], “absorption without conceptualization,” occurs when memory has been purged and the mind is empty, as it were, of its own [reflective] nature. Now only the object [of meditation] shines forth [in its own right]. [p147]
(स्मृति, smṛti) = remembrance; previous impression
(परिशुद्धौ, pariśuddhau) = purged
(स्वरूप, svarūpa) = own form; own nature
(शून्य, śūnya) = without; empty; eliminate
(इव, iva) = as if
(अर्थ, artha) = image; picture; object; truth
(मात्र, mātra) = only
(निर्भासा, nirbhāsā) = luminous; reflecting; radiant
(निर्वितर्का, nirvitarkā) = without acceptance; the next, more subtle state of samapatti