
1.9 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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शब्दज्ञानानुपाती वस्तुशून्यो विकल्पः ॥९॥
śabda-jñāna-anupātī vastu-śūnyo vikalpaḥ ||9||

[RS] 1.9 Imaginings are engendered by word knowledge without regard for what actually exists in the real world.

[JW] 1.9 The predicate relation (vikalpa) is without any [corresponding perceptible] object and follows as a result of perception or of words.

[SS] 1.9 An image that arises on hearing mere words without any reality [as its basis] is verbal delusion. [p16]

[TD] 1.9 Imagination is the comprehension of an object based only on words and expressions, even though the object is absent. [p152]

[EB] 1.9 Imagination consists of the usage of words that are devoid of an actual object. [p39]

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(शब्द, śabda) = word
(ज्ञान, jñāna) = knowledge
(अनुपाती, anupātī) = consequent upon; real
(वस्तु, vastu) = reality; object; thing; entity
(शून्य, śūnya) = devoid; empty; unrelated;
(विकल्पः, vikalpaḥ) = imagining, illusion, semantic confusion; the illusion that a semantic construct actually exists