
2.18 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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प्रकाशक्रियास्थितिशीलं भूतेन्द्रियात्मकं भोगापवर्गार्थं दृश्यम् ॥१८॥
prakāśa-kriyā-sthiti-śīlaṁ bhūtendriya-ātmakaṁ bhoga-apavarga-arthaṁ dṛśyam ||18||

[RS] 2.18 Objects and situations in the physical world can be characterized by purity (sattva), unrest (rajas), or inertia (tamas); they are physical or etheric and result in short term pleasure or long term redemption.

[JW] 2.18 With a disposition to brightness and to activity and to inertia, and with the elements and the organs as its essence, and with its purpose the experience and the liberation [of the Self], - this is the object-of-sight.

[SS] 2.18 The seen is of the nature of the gunas: illumination, activity and inertia; and consists of the elements and sense organs, whose purpose is to provide both experiences and liberation to the Purusha.  [p104]

[EB] 2.18 That which is knowable has the nature of illumination, activity, and inertia [savttva, rajas, and tamas]. It consists of the senses and the elements, and exits for the purpose of [providing] either liberation or experience [to puruasa]. [p216]

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(प्रकाश, prakāśa) = illumination; purity; light; sattva
(क्रिया, kriyā) = action; activity; rajas
(स्थिति, sthiti) = stability; steadiness; tamas
(शील, śīla) = characteristics
(भूत, bhūta) = five elements; physical
(इन्द्रिय, indriya) = sense organ; organs of perception; sense; etheric
(आत्मकं, ātmakaṁ) = such that
(भोग, bhoga) = pleasure; enjoyment
(अपवर्ग, apavarga) = liberation; fulfillment; redemption
(अर्थं, arthaṁ) = purpose; sense; goal
(दृश्यम्, dṛśyam) = that which is seen; perceptible; objects