3.12 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 3 >
ततः पुनः शातोदितौ तुल्यप्रत्ययौ चित्तस्यैकाग्रतापरिणामः ॥१२॥
tataḥ punaḥ śātoditau tulya-pratyayau cittasya-ikāgratā-pariṇāmaḥ ||12||
[SS] 3.12 Then again, when the subsiding past and rising present images are identical, there is ekagrata parinama (one-pointedness). [p181]
[EB] 3.12 In that regard, the attainment of one-pointedness occurs when the image in the mind that has just passed is the same as the image in the mind that is present. [p319]
(ततः, tataḥ) = then
(पुनः, punaḥ) = again
(शान्ता, śāntā) = tranquil; subsiding
(उदितौ, uditau) = stated; ascended
(तुल्य, tulya) = identical; similar
(प्रत्ययौ, pratyayau) = thought; impression
(चित्तस्य, cittasya) = all that is mutable in humankind; mind
(एकात्मता, ekātmatā) = aggregation; concentration; one-pointedness
(परिणामः, pariṇāmaḥ) = transition; change; evolution