
3.19 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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प्रत्ययस्य परचित्तज्ञानम् ॥१९॥
pratyayasya para-citta-jñānam ||19||

[RS] 3.19 Meditation on the thoughts of another person gives rise to knowledge (jnana) of their mutable being (chitta).

[JW] 3.19 [As a result of constraint] upon a presented-idea [there arises intuitive] knowledge of the mind-stuff of another.

[SS] 3.19 By samyama on the distinguishing signs of others’ bodies, knowledge of their mental images is obtained. [p185]

[EB] 3.19 From [their] ideas, one can attain knowledge of others’ minds. [p345]

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(प्रत्ययस्य, pratyayasya) = that which is in the mind; thought; direct perception
(पर, para) = a different one; another
(चित्त, citta) = human mutability; mind
(ज्ञानम्, jñānam) = knowledge; insight