
3.27 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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चन्द्रे तारव्यूहज्ञानम् ॥२७॥
candre tāravyūha-jñānam ||27||

[RS] 3.27 Meditating on the moon (chandra) gives rise to knowledge (jnana) concerning the arrangement of the stars.

[JW] 3.27 [As a result of constraint] upon the moon [there arises the intuitive] knowledge of the arrangement of the stars.

[SS] 3.28 By samyama on the moon comes knowledge of the stars’ arrangement. [p189]

[EB] 3.27 [By samyama] on the moon, knowledge of the solar systems. [p356]

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(चन्द्रे, candre) = moon
(तार, tāra) = star
(व्यूह, vyūha) = arrangement; oneness; configuration
(ज्ञानम्, jñānam) = knowledge; insight
(तार व्यूह ज्ञान, tāra vyūha jñāna) = knowledge concerning the arrangement of the stars; astrological knowledge