
3.37 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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ते समाधवुपसर्गाव्युत्थाने सिद्धयः ॥३७॥
te samādhav-upasargā-vyutthāne siddhayaḥ ||37||

[RS] 3.37 These powers are of secondary importance to those who have attained knowledge (samadhi), but are nonetheless feats for materially oriented individuals.

[JW] 3.37 In concentration these [supernal activities] are obstacles; in the emergent state they are perfections (siddhi).

[SS] 3.38 These [superphysical senses] are obstacles to [nirbija] samadhi but are siddhis (powers or accomplishments) in the worldly pursuits. [p193]

[EB] 3.37 These powers are accomplishments for the mind that is outgoing but obstacles to samadhi. [p367]

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(ते, te) = it; this
(समादौइ, samādaui) = for those who have achieved enlightenment
(उपसर्गा, upasargā) = hindrance; secondary effect; of secondary importance
(व्युत्थान, vyutthāna) = for those on the path; for those with external strivings; materially oriented individuals
(सिद्धयः, siddhayaḥ) = power