3.46 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 3 >
रूपलावण्यबलवज्रसंहननत्वानि कायसंपत् ॥४६॥
rupa lavanya bala vajra sanhananatvani kayasanpat ||46||
[SS] 3.47 Beauty, grace, strength, and adamantine hardness constitute bodily perfection. [p197]
[EB] 3.46 The perfection of the body consists of [possessing] beauty, charm, strength, and the power of a thunderbolt. [p385]
rūpa = beauty; correct form
lāvaṇya = gracefulness; charm; ability to attract
bala = strength; energy
vajra = diamond; adamantine hardness
saṁhana-natvāni = hardness; strength; steadiness
kāya = body
saṁpat = absoluteness; perfection