
4.21 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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चित्तान्तर दृश्ये बुद्धिबुद्धेः अतिप्रसङ्गः स्मृतिसंकरश्च ॥२१॥
chittantara drishye buddhi buddheh atiprasangah smriti sankarash cha ||21||

[RS] 4.21 That which is mutable in one human being (chitta) being perceived by another mutable human being (chitta) would be as absurd as perception perceiving perception, and would result in confusion of remembrance.

[JW] 4.21 If [one mind-stuff] were the object-for-sight for another, there would be an infinite regress from one thinking-substance to another thinking-substance as well as confusion of memory.

[SS] 4.21 If the perception of one mind by another mind be postulated, we would have to assume an endless number of them and the result would be confusion of memory. [p218]

[EB] 4.21 If [the mind] were cognized by another mind, then there would be an infinite regress of one intelligence [being known] by another intelligence. Moreover, there would also be confusion of memory. [p440]

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citta = all that is mutable in human beings; mind; spirit

anya = other

dṛśye = seen by

buddhi = perception; intellect; knowledge

buddheḥ = perception

buddhi-buddheḥ = perceiver of perception

atiprasaṅgaḥ = unharmonious connection; superficiality; ad infinitum

smṛti = remembrance

saṁkaraḥ = confusion; mixture

ca = and