4.21 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 4 >
चित्तान्तर दृश्ये बुद्धिबुद्धेः अतिप्रसङ्गः स्मृतिसंकरश्च ॥२१॥
chittantara drishye buddhi buddheh atiprasangah smriti sankarash cha ||21||
[SS] 4.21 If the perception of one mind by another mind be postulated, we would have to assume an endless number of them and the result would be confusion of memory. [p218]
[EB] 4.21 If [the mind] were cognized by another mind, then there would be an infinite regress of one intelligence [being known] by another intelligence. Moreover, there would also be confusion of memory. [p440]
citta = all that is mutable in human beings; mind; spirit
anya = other
dṛśye = seen by
buddhi = perception; intellect; knowledge
buddheḥ = perception
buddhi-buddheḥ = perceiver of perception
atiprasaṅgaḥ = unharmonious connection; superficiality; ad infinitum
smṛti = remembrance
saṁkaraḥ = confusion; mixture
ca = and