4.24 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 4 >
तदसङ्ख्येय वासनाभिः चित्रमपि परार्थम् संहत्यकारित्वात् ॥२४॥
tad asankhyeya vasanabhih chitram api parartham sanhatya karitvat ||24||
[SS] 4.24 Though having countless desires, the mind-stuff exits for the sake of another [the Purusha] because it can act only in association with it. [p220]
[EB] 4.24 That mind, with its countless variegated subliminal impressions, exits for another entity [other than itself], because it operates in conjunction [with other instruments]. [p447]
tad = that
a = not
saṁkhyeya = countable
vāsanābhiḥ = through vasanas, wishes, drive
citram = manifold; wonderful; varied
api = though; also
para = other; different
artham = purpose
saṁhatya = connection; interrelationship
kāritāt = because of