4.4 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 4 >
निर्माणचित्तान्यस्मितामात्रात् ॥४॥
nirmana chittany asmita matrat ||4||
[JW] 4.4 Created mind-stuffs may result from the sense-of-personality and from this alone.
[SS] 4.4 A Yogi’s egoity alone is the cause of [other artificially] created minds. [p209]
[EB] 4.4 Created minds are made from ego only. [p412]
nirmāṇa = create; generate; bring forth
cittāni = chitta; all that is mutable in humankind; mind
asmitāḥ = self centeredness; identification with that which is mutable in humankind
mātrāt = alone