Or search for "DICECPU" in the Apple App Store. Use the DICE app to explore raw RGB pixels from your camera and coding with p5js Features:
What does DICE mean?
Demonstration of DICE at the National Museum of African American History: Demonstration of DICE at NYU-ITP Recent Interview: The DICE VisionIt is an open source project consisting of these major components:
The goal of DICE is to make it easier to play and create art with mobile device sensor data. The full version of DICE is currently in private beta, contact me to collaborate on github. DICE Preview Videos: More photos entombed in these silos: 2018-02-19 DICE colored mind: gravity on black. Dice colored mind: selfie test. Colored mind: I come in peace. The colored mind meditates on DICE: Logo design by Zahra Khosravi at ITP-NYU: DICE Color wave 2017-09-10 At the nMAAhC 2017-09-08 planning to archive old work and previewing new work. Place of my workship: episual design, with by co-worker and brother Jervis Thompson aka JERVO, also Drexel professor in DIGM. DICE image from iPhone 2017-08-?? me at my crib in front of my art wall. Laminated 8x10 color prints: Color Wheel generated by Javascript, WEB DuBois photo, and Family photo on lower right. DICE: Distributed Instruments for Computed Expression. |