A web site to visualize covid-19 statistics. The site is updated daily with data from John Hopkins University. Documentation: Purpose: More than numbers, I hope the site will help contribute to answering these questions:
Video explainer for site: Video of site with p5js integration: Roadmap for site: This is a work-in-progress currently only showing country level statistics. The rough plan is to extend along this roadmap: - publish public repo for other developers - drill down to community level statistics - connect to statistics on frontline workers. - support community driven mourning Inspiration: "...workers whom we trust with our health, our nourishment, our loved ones, and our lives are too often ignored, underpaid, and overworked..." "...This is a space to remember and honor every person who died..." "...America has reached a grim milestone in the coronavirus outbreak — each figure here represents one of the 100,000 lives lost so far. But a count reveals only so much. Memories, gathered from obituaries across the country, help us to reckon with what was lost..." |