
1.3 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम् ॥३॥
tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe-‘vasthānam ||3||

[RS] 1.3 For finding our true self (drashtu) entails insight into our own nature.

[JW] 1.3 Then the Seer [that is, the Self,] abides in himself.

[SS] 1.3 Then the Seer [Self] abides in His own nature. [p6]

[TD] 1.3 Then the ability to understand the object fully and correctly is apparent. [p150]

[EB] 1.3 When that is accomplished, the seer abides in its own true nature. [p22]

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JHT: Searching the web for “draṣṭuḥ” lead to TKV Desikachar profile, and another Yoga Sutra commentary by Madhvacharya, Michael Beloved.

Interesting concept the true self/seer/Seer. TD does not mention the true self at all. SS puts greater importance to the term referring to it as Seer/Self. EB does not give caps to seer.

Is drastuh the core of what it means to be a person?

Is the false self the main state we reside in?

How can we be witness to the Seer? Image: mirror reflecting on it self, reflections continuing on into infinity.

Is it possible be aware of the Seer?

(तदा, tadā) = then
(द्रष्टुः, draṣṭuḥ) = the true self
(स्व, sva) = their own
(रूप, rūpa) = form
(स्वरूपे, svarūpe) = in (its) own form
(अवस्थानम्, avasthānam) = residence