1.39 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 1 >
यथाभिमतध्यानाद्वा ॥३९॥
yathā-abhimata-dhyānād-vā ||39||
[RS] 1.39 - Or through contemplation (dhyana) of love.
[SS] 1.39 Or by meditating on anything one chooses that is elevating. [p62]
[TD] 1.39 Any inquiry of interest can calm the mind. [p161]
[EB] 1.39 Or [streadiness of the mind is attained] from meditation upon anything of one’s inclination. [p139]
(यथ, yatha) = how
(आभिमत, ābhimata) = love; attraction
(ध्यानाद्, dhyānād) = meditation; concentration
(वा, vā) = or; also