1.40 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 1 >
परमाणु परममहत्त्वान्तोऽस्य वशीकारः ॥४०॥
paramāṇu parama-mahattva-anto-‘sya vaśīkāraḥ ||40||
[JW] 1.40 His mastery extends from the smallest atom to the greatest magnitude.
[SS] 1.40 Gradually, one’s mastery in concentration extends from the primal atom to the greatest magnitude. [p63]
[TD] 1.40 When one reaches this state, nothing is beyond comprehension. The mind can follow and help understand the simple and the complex, the infinite and the infinitesimal, the perceptible and the imperceptible. [p161]
[EB] 1.40 The yogi’s mastery extends from the smallest particle of matter to the ultimate totality of matter. [p141]
(परम, parama) = smallest; largest; last
(अणु, aṇu) = atom
(परम, parama) =smallest; largest; last
(मह, maha) = large
(त्वान्तो, tvānto) = thing
(महत्त्व, mahattva) = cosmos; universe
(अन्तह्, antah) = extending
(अस्य, asya) = this
(वशीकारः, vaśīkāraḥ) = control; mastery