1.47 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 1 >
निर्विचारवैशारद्येऽध्यात्मप्रसादः ॥४७॥
nirvicāra-vaiśāradye-‘dhyātma-prasādaḥ ||47||
[SS] 1.47 In the purity of nirvichara samadhi, the supreme Self shines. [p72]
[TD] 1.47 Then the individual begins to truly know himself. [p163]
[EB] 1.47 Upon attaining the clarity of nirvicara-samadhi, there is lucidity of the inner self. [p157]
(निर्विचारा, nirvicārā) = nirvicharas amapatti; the subtlest of the aforementioned four samapatti states
(वैशारद्ये, vaiśāradye) = experienced at
(अध्य्, adhy) = about to
(आत्म, ātma) = the absolute
(प्रसादः, prasādaḥ) = clarity