2.25 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 2 >
तदभाबात्संयोगाभावो हानं तद्दृशेः कैवल्यम् ॥२५॥
tad-abhābāt-saṁyoga-abhāvo hānaṁ taddṛśeḥ kaivalyam ||25||
[SS] 2.25 Without this ignorance, no such union occurs. This is the independence of the Seer. [p112]
[EB] 2.25 By the removal of ignorance, conjunction is removed. This is the absolute freedom of the seer. [p234]
(तद्, tad) = whose
(अभाव, abhāva) = to overcome; to disappear
(संयोग, saṁyoga) = unity; bond; identification
(हान, hāna) = reliquish; cease
(तत्, tat) = that; which; whose
(दृशेः, dṛśeḥ) = the seer
(कैवल्यम्, kaivalyam) = liberation; redemption