2.26 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 2 >
विवेकख्यातिरविप्लवा हानोपायः ॥२६॥
viveka-khyātir-aviplavā hānopāyaḥ ||26||
[JW] 2.26 The means of attaining escape is unwavering discriminative discernment.
[SS] 2.26 Uninterrupted discriminative discernment is the method for its removal. [p118]
[EB] 2.26 The means to liberation is uninterrupted discriminative discernment. [p235]
(विवेक, viveka) = capacity to make distinctions; differentiation
(ख्यातिः, khyātiḥ) = nsight; understanding
(अविप्लव, a-viplava) = uninterrupted; steady
(हान, hāna) = goal; end
(उपायः, upāyaḥ) = means
(हनोपायः, hanopāyaḥ) = means to an end