
2.5 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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अनित्याशुचिदुःखानात्मसु नित्यशुचिसुखात्मख्यातिरविद्या ॥५॥
anityā-aśuci-duḥkha-anātmasu nitya-śuci-sukha-ātmakhyātir-avidyā ||5||

[RS] 2.5 A combination of the eternal and transitory, purity and impurity, joy and suffering, or the mutable and immutable in human beings are all referred to as a lack of insight (avidya).

[JW] 2.5 The recognition of the permanent, of the pure, of pleasure, and of a self in what is impermanent, impure, pain, and not-self is undifferentiated-consciousness.

[SS] 2.5 Ignorance is regarding the impermanent as permanent, the impure as pure, the painful as pleasant, and the non-Self as the Self. [p86]

[EB] 2.5 Ignorance is the notion that takes the self, which is joyful, pure, and eternal, to be the nonself, which is painful, unclean, and temporary. [p179]

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(अनित्य, anitya) = transitory
(अशुचि, aśuci) = impure; unclean
(दुःख, duḥkha) = pain; suffering
(अन्, an) = not
(आत्म, ātma) = the true self
(अनात्म, anātma) = the false self, i.e. mutable chitta
(नित्य, nitya) = eternal
(अशुचि, aśuci) = pure; clean
(सुख, sukha) = good fortune; happiness; talisman
(आत्म, ātma) = the true self; drashtu
(ख्याति, khyāti) = insight; knowledge; consciousness
(अविद्या, avidyā) = ignorance; confusion; lack of insight