2.6 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 2 >
दृग्दर्शनशक्त्योरेकात्मतैवास्मिता ॥६॥
dṛg-darśana-śaktyor-ekātmata-iva-asmitā ||6||
[SS] 2.6 Egoism is the identification, as it were, of the power of the Seer(Purusha) with that of the instrument of seeing [body-mind]. [p89]
[EB] 2.6 Ego is [to consider] the nature of the seer and the nature of the instrumental power of seeing to be the same thing. [p185]
(दृक्, dṛk) = the perceiving self; the seeing self; the true self; Drashtu
(दर्शनशक्ति, darśana-śakti) = power of seeing; instrument of perception; the mutable self; chitta
(एक, eka) = one
(एकात्मता, ekātmatā) = oneness; identity; identification
(एव, eva) = as if
(अस्मिता, asmitā) = identification with the mutable; egoism