4.8 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 4 >
ततः तद्विपाकानुग्णानामेवाभिव्यक्तिः वासनानाम् ॥८॥
tatah tad vipaka anugnanam eva abhivyaktih vasananam ||8||
[SS] 4.8 Of these [actions], only those vasanas (subconscious impressions) for which there are favorable conditions for producing their fruits will manifest in a particular birth. [p211]
[EB] 4.8 From [these three types of karma] the activation of only those subliminal impressions that are ready for fruition [in the next life] occurs. [p417]
tataḥ = thence
tad = whose
vipāka = result; fruits
tad-vipāka = ripen; come into existence
anu = based on
guṇānām = basic characteristic of nature
anu-guṇānam = accordingly; corresponding to
eva = only
abhi = to
vyakti = manifestation
abhi-vyaktiḥ = to appear; to manifest
vāsanām = wish; tendency; subliminal imprints