
4.9 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future

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जाति देश काल व्यवहितानामप्यान्तर्यां स्मृतिसंस्कारयोः एकरूपत्वात् ॥९॥
jati desha kala vyavahitanam apy antaryam smriti sanskarayoh ekarupatvat ||9||

[RS] 4.9 Even if modality, place and time cease to exist, the continuity of wish and consequences remains, for remembrance (smriti) and impressions (samskaras) are part of the same being.

[JW] 4.9 There is an uninterrupted [causal] relation [of sub-conscious-impressions], although remote in species and point-of-space and moment-of-time, by reason of the correspondence between memory and subliminal-impressions.

[SS] 4.9 Although desires are separated from their fulfillments by class, space and time, they have an uninterrupted relationship because the impressions [of desires] and memories of them are identical. [p212]

[EB] 4.9 Because they are identical, there is an uninterrupted connection between memory and samskara, even though they might be separated by birth, time and place. [p419]

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jāti = class; caste; social class; station in life; quality

deśa = place

kāla = time

vyavahitānām =  interrupted; separated

api = even; although

anantaryaṁ = uninterrupted sequence; continuity

smṛti = remembrance

saṁskārayoḥ =  impressions

eka = one

rūpa = form; being