4.10 - John Henry Thompson - Invent Your Future
Yoga > Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - A Comparison > Book 4 >
तासामनादित्वं चाशिषो नित्यत्वात् ॥१०॥
tasam anaditvam chashisho nityatvat ||10||
[SS] 4.10 Since the desire to live is eternal, impressions are also beginningless. [p212]
[EB] 4.10 The samskaras are beginningless, because the desire [for life] is eternal. [p421]
tāsām = for these
anāditvaṁ = no beginning
ca = and; also
āśiṣaḥ = the will to live
nityatvāt = eternal; permanent, without end