John Henry Thompson Blog

Added images

Filed under: Wordpress — admin @ 9:09 am August 29, 2009

Added images to about page.
WordPress can easily upload images but hard to get interesting lay out on the page.

I’m struggling trying to figure out how to insert image from gallery. Solved: need show image first.

Editing on iPhone: must use HTML mode.


Hello world!

Filed under: Wordpress — admin @ 12:09 am

I plan to transition my current personal web site to a dynamic one, using some of the popular CMS/PHP frameworks, such as:

  • WordPress
  • Apostrophe/Symphony
  • Drupal

Installed wordpress for by blog. Install top few themes and a few that caught my eye:

  • /pixel/
  • /ahimsa/
  • /atahualpa/
  • /classic/
  • /default/
  • /dfblog/
  • /index.php
  • /indy10/
  • /inove/
  • /lightword/

Trying out theme atahualpa first. It’s got tons of options. Which maybe why blog appears sluggish sometimes. I choose theme atahuala because it has categories and pages on the left wont push down the login, which is on the right.

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