John Henry Thompson Blog


Filed under: — admin @ 12:09 am August 29, 2009


My personal ramblings.


One of my early dreams as a teenager was to learn how to program computers. In 10-th grade I was fortunate enough to get into a computer programming class and in the same year get an after school job in a computer center. That was in 1976. One of the first computers I programmed used physical relays to represent the bits, no kidding.

83_balance_wigs_mini I’ve seen the computer evolve from a device that fills a room, to the desktop, and now to fit in the palm of your hand. It’s gone from been a precious resource that only a few could use to been as readily available as a pen.


Where will I find myself in this constantly evolving world of technology?

A core principle of desktop apps is direct manipulation, or What-You-See Is-What-Your-Get (WYSIWYG). As you may can tell from the layout of the images and text on this page we’ve lost that on the web, at least from WordPress. In WordPress I can’t give the precise location of the text with respect to the graphics. I attribute none, center, left or right with the image and the browser will decide where the text meets the image. This is also an issue of fixed format vs. scalable format.


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