02 Session

posted Feb 13, 2013, 6:07 PM by John Henry Thompson   [ updated May 4, 2013, 8:44 AM ]

Readings and Reflection:

* Seymour Papert (1980): Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas (Foreword: The Gears of My Childhood)

* Joi Ito blog posts: Formal vs Informal Education, Reading the Dictionary, Dubai and Learning about the Unknowable

* Joi Ito (2012). Keynote to Open Educational Resources meeting (video), Hewlett Foundation.

* Mimi Ito et al. (2009): Learning and Living with New Media. MacArthur Foundation.

In preparation, please read the suggested readings (above), and share with your group about:

* What did you find most interesting or surprising in the readings?

* What did you disagree with or have questions about?

Please keep your postings short (just two or three paragraphs).


Read Seymour Papert’s essay on the “Gears of My Childhood” and write about an object from your childhood that interested and influenced you (and share with your group). For inspiration, you can find more childhood-object stories in Additional Resources (below).

Also, we encourage you to try out the Marshmallow Challenge, as described in the video [link to come], and discuss your experiences with others in your group. Afterwards, watch the TED talk about the Marshmallow Challenge, to learn about the experiences of others, from kindergarteners to business-school students. (Note that we decided to organize the challenge slightly differently than the one in the TED talk. What do you see as the advantages of each approach?)

Additional Resources:

* Mimi Ito et al. (2013). Connected Learning: An Agenda for Research and Design, MacArthur Foundation.

* MacArthur Foundation (2012): The Essence of Connected Learning (video).

* Wired Magazine (2012). Open university: Joi Ito plans a radical reinvention of MIT's Media Lab.

* Sherry Turkle (2007). Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Introduction, and selected essays - Cello, Knots, Stars). MIT Press.

* Sherry Turkle (2008). Falling for science: Objects in Mind (Blocks, Steps, Venus Paradis Coloring Set). MIT Press.

* Sayamindu Dasgupta (2010). Kites; Ricarose Roque (2010). Pencils

Joi Ito Formal vs Informal Education: Great. We should recognize and do more for informal learning. Goes along with appreciating the many different learning modes.

Joi Ito Reading the Dictionary: Good metaphor for formal learning.

Joi Ito Dubai and Learning about the Unknowable: Not as strong as other articles.

Joi Ito (2012) Hewlett Foundation video: Excellent. It was transformational for me. Prompted me to started sharing on github my DICE source. Realized sharing is what drives me to further create. Video gave me a greater appreciation of the Internet philosophy of sharing and open access, and its potential to connect communities.

Mimi Ito et al. (2009) Learning and Living with New Media: first impression: TL;DR (too long, didn't read). But I starting skimming and enjoy the info, even though dense. Like approach of actually observing youth. Like classification of level of engagement: hanging-out/messing around/geeking-out.

My childhood object
- Machette in Jamaica. Chopping into the ground. Cut big toe. Aunt wrap toe in some green leaf. Thinking one toe is smaller than the other due to this.
- Car brochures from auto factory my dad worked at. Even though I didn't like been in cars (was very car sick), I like the 3 view perspective and the physical form of the cars. Prompted me to design and draw cars in same format.
- Slate board in Jamaica. Got all math problems correct and was sad I had to erase slate board to do new work. 
- Sketch pad. Always drawing and doodling. Learned that visualization is my best way to problem solve, esp. programming. Keeping own journal on topic good way to absorb knowledge.

2nd Session video notes
formal vs. informal learning
meeting standards
Mimi: outsider - like my experience. survival
free form vs. structure
rigid repetition / practice repetition
interest / relevance - what gets you excited / passonate
what motivates you.
Mimi: building on the creativity of hip-hop/popular culture
finite investment: what to select that has most potential
time scale for learning and achieving goals.

What motivates us?
