
परिणाम ताप संस्कार दुःखैः गुणवृत्तिविरोधाच्च दुःखमेव सर्वं विवेकिनः ॥१५॥
pariṇāma tāpa saṁskāra duḥkhaiḥ guṇa-vṛtti-virodhācca duḥkham-eva sarvaṁ vivekinaḥ ||15||

[RS] 2.15 Suffering is caused by change in the outside world, as well as impressions, desires (samsakra), misconceptions (vritti) and conflict. Suffering is omnipresent for those who have the capacity to differentiate.

[JW] 2.15 As being the pains which are mutations and anxieties and subliminal impressions and by reason of the opposition of the fluctuations of the aspects (guna) - to the discriminating all is nothing but pain.

[SS] 2.15 To one of discrimination, everything is painful indeed, due to its consequences; the anxiety and fear over losing what is gained; the resulting impressions left in the mind to create renewed cravings; and the constant conflict among the three gunas, which control the mind .  [p100]

[EB] 2.15 For one who has discrimination, everything is suffering on account of the suffering produced by the consequences [of action], by pain [itself], and by the samskaras, as well as on account of the suffering ensuing from the turmoil of the vrttis due to the gunas. [p203]

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(परिणाम, pariṇāma) = change
(तापस्, tāpas) = desire
(संस्कार, saṁskāra) = impressions
(दुःखैः, duḥkhaiḥ) = pain; suffering
(गुण, guṇa) = the three basic elements of matter; nature
(वृत्ति, vṛtti) = waves; thought waves, misconceptions; veil; lack of clarity;
(विरोधा, virodhā) = resistance; conflict
(, ca) = and
(दुःखम्, duḥkham) = pain; suffering
(एव, eva) = even; only
(सर्वं, sarvaṁ) = all; everywhere; always
(विवेकिनः, vivekinaḥ) = for those who have developed the capacity to make distinctions