कृतार्थं प्रतिनष्टंप्यनष्टं तदन्य साधारणत्वात् ॥२२॥ kṛtārthaṁ pratinaṣṭaṁ-apy-anaṣṭaṁ tadanya sādhāraṇatvāt ||22|| [RS] 2.22 Once an object has fulfilled its purpose, it does not disappear but instead remains in existence as such for others; for the object is valid for all. [JW] 2.22 Though it has ceased [to be seen] in the case of one whose purpose is accomplished, it has not ceased to be, since it is common to others [besides himself]. [SS] 2.22 Although destroyed for him who has attained liberation, it [the seen] still exists for others, being common to them. [p112] [EB] 2.22 Although the seen ceases to exist foro one whose purpose is accomplished [the liberated purusa], it has not ceased to exist altogether, since it is common to other [not-liberated] purusas. [p226] <Page 2.21 Page 2.23> | (कृट, kṛṭa) = completed (अर्थं, arthaṁ) = purpose; sense; goal (प्रति, prati) = for (नष्टम्, naṣṭam) = destroyed; non-existent (अप्य्, apy) = although (अनष्टं, anaṣṭaṁ) = not destroyed; existing; remaining in existence (तत्, tat) = than that (अन्य, anya) = other; different (साधारनत्वात्, sādhāranatvāt) = for it is universal; universality |