अपरिग्रहस्थैर्ये जन्मकथंता संबोधः ॥३९॥ aparigraha-sthairye janma-kathaṁtā saṁbodhaḥ ||39|| [RS] 2.39 The permanent reign of non-covetousness (aparigraha) engenders knowledge concerning the goal of earthly life. [JW] 2.39 As soon as he is established in abstinence-from-acceptance-of-gifts, a thorough illumination upon the conditions of birth. [SS] 2.39 When non-green is confirmed, a thorough illumination of the how and why of one's birth comes. [p141] [EB] 2.39 When refrainment from covetousness becomes firmly established, knowledge of the ways of wherefores of births manifests. [p266] <Page 2.38 Page 2.40> | (अपरिग्रह, aparigraha) = non-covetousness; non-acceptance of gifts (स्थैर्ये, sthairye) = stability (जन्म, janma) = birth; consequences of birth; incarnation; earthly life (कथंता, kathaṁtā) = the how and why; goal (संबोधः, saṁbodhaḥ) = understanding; knowledge |