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History of my name

posted Mar 31, 2012, 2:17 AM by John Henry Thompson   [ updated Mar 31, 2012, 2:37 AM ]
  • My family and cousins call me "Johnnie"
  • In 6th grade, immigrating from England to Brooklyn USA, I briefly had the nick name "England."
  • My mother sometimes called me "John the baptist." She would often say "Since Johnnie was a boy...", referring to some thing from the past.
  • In college at MIT, the computer log in names where restricted to 8 characters or less and I used the login name "JHT."
  • I was given the capoeria name "Batista" studying with Marcelo Pereira in Oakland CA in late 1980's.
  • When I started my career developing software at Macromind (later Macromedia and then absorbed by Adobe), I was known as "JT."
  • In the late 1990's I decided to dropped "JT" (all members of my family share these initials) and include my middle name and started using my full name: "John Henry Thompson." My father named me after his father.
  • Today I sign my email -JHT
