
दृष्टानुश्रविकविषयवितृष्णस्य वशीकारसंज्णा वैराग्यम् ॥१५॥
dṛṣṭa-anuśravika-viṣaya-vitṛṣṇasya vaśīkāra-saṁjṇā vairāgyam ||15||

[RS] 1.15 Imperturbability results from a balance in the consciousness, and when the desire for all things that we see or have heard of is extinguished.

[JW] 1.15 Passionlessness is the consciousness of being master on the part of one who has rid himself of thirst for either seen or revealed objects.

[SS] 1.15 The consciousness of self-mastery in one who is free from craving for objects seen or heard about is non-attachment. [p23]

[TD] 1.15 At the highest level there is an absence of any cravings, either for the fulfillment of the senses or for extraordinary experiences. [p154]

[EB] 1.15 Dispassion is the controlled consciousness of one who is without craving for sense objects, whether these are actually perceived, or described [in scripture]. [p52]

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(दृष्ट, dṛṣṭa) = seen; visible
(आनुश्रविक, ānuśravika) = heard of from others
(विषय, viṣaya) = entity; object; thing
(तृष्ण, tṛṣṇa) = desire; thirst
(वितृष्न, vitṛṣna) = adipsy (lack of thirst)
(वितृष्णस्य, vitṛṣṇasya) = he who lacks thirst
(वशिकार, vaśikāra) = balance; the same
(संज्ञा, saṁjñā) = consciously
(वैराग्यम्, vairāgyam) = imperturbability; indifference; non-attachment