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[RS] Yoga-Sutra 1 – Samadhi Pada: about enlightenment
[SS] SAMADHI PADA - Portion on Contemplation
[EB] Meditative Absorption

Goal of Concentration
i. 1 - 4 .Yoga is the concentration which restricts the fluctuations. Freed from them the Self attains to self expression.

Forms of the mind stuff
i. 5 - 11. The fluctuations are all exposed to attack from the hindrances and are five in number: 1. sources-of-valid-ideas; 2. misconceptions; 3. predicate relations; 4. sleep; 5. memory;

Methods of restricting fluctuations
i. 12 - 16. An orientation of the whole life with reference to one idea an emotional transformation corresponding to this focused state.

Kinds of concentration
i. 17 - 18 Four kinds of conscious concentration and the concentration of subliminal impressions alone.

Degrees of approach to concentration
i. 19 - 23 The worldly approach; the spiritual approach; the combinations of methods and intensities; and the devotion to the highest Self.

Analysis of the highest Self
i 24 - 28 Unique quality of the highest Self; proof of His existence; His temporal priority; His symbolical realization.

Obstacles to the calming of the mind-stuff
i. 29 - 34 The inner sense is exposed to distractions which may be overcome; by focusing the mind; by the cultivation of sentiments; one may also practise breathings.

i. 29 Thereafter comes the right knowledge of him who thinks in an inverse way and the removal of obstacles.

i. 30 Sickness and languor and doubt and heedlessness and listlessness and worldliness (avirati) and erroneous perception and failure to attain any stage [of concentration] and instability in the state [when attained] - these distractions of the mind stuff are the obstacles.

i. 31 Pain and despondency and unsteadiness of the body and inspiration and expiration are the accompaniments of the distractions.

i. 32 To check them [let there be] practice upon a single entity.

i. 33 By the cultivation of friendliness towards happiness, and compassion towards pain, and joy towards merit and, indifference towards demerit [the yogin should attain] the undisturbed calm of the mind-stuff.

i. 34 Or [the yogin attains the undisturbed calm of the mind stuff] by expulsion and retention of breath.

Attainment of Stability
i. 35 - 39 Suitable objects for fixed attention and contemplation.

Mastery and concentration
i. 40 - 47 Classification of concentration with reference to different single objects or absence of objects or to the mental act or to a fusion of object and knower.

i. 40 His mastery extends from the smallest atom to the greatest magnitude.

i. 41 [The mind stuff] from which, as from a precious gem, fluctuations have dwindled away reaches the balanced-state, which, in the case of the knower or of the process-of-knowing or of the object-to-be-known, is in the state of resting upon [one] of these [three] and in the state of being tinged by [one] of these [three].

i. 42 Of [these balanced-states] the state-balanced with deliberation is confused by reason of predicate-relations between words and intended objects and ideas.

i. 43 When the memory is quite purified, [that balanced-state] - which is, as it were, empty of itself and which brightens [into conscious knowledge] as the intended-object and nothing more- is super deliberative.

i. 44 By this same [balanced state] the reflective and the super [reflective balanced] states are also explained.

i. 45 The subtile object also terminates in unresoluble-primary-matter (alinga).

i. 46 These same [balanced states] are the seeded concentration.

i. 47 When there is the clearness of the super-reflective [balanced state, the yogin] gains internal undisturbed calm.

Normative insight
i 48 - 51 After-effects of concentrated insight efface after-effects of concentration upon objects.

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