
विरामप्रत्ययाभ्यासपूर्वः संस्कारशेषोऽन्यः ॥१८॥
virāma-pratyaya-abhyāsa-pūrvaḥ saṁskāra-śeṣo-'nyaḥ ||18||

[RS] 1.18 The other state of insight, which is based on persistent practice, arises when all perception has been extinguished and only non-manifest impressions remain.

[JW] 1.18 The other [concentration which is not conscious of objects] consists of subliminal impressions only [after objects have merged], and follows upon that practice which effects the cessation [of fluctuations].

[SS] 1.18 By the firmly convinced practice of the complete cessation of the mental modifications, the impressions only remain. This is the other samadhi [asamprajnata or non-distinguished]. [p35]

[TD] 1.18 The usual mental disturbances are absent. However memories of the past continue. [p155]

[EB] 1.18 In the other samadhi [asamprajnata-samadhi] is preceded by cultivating the determination to terminate [all thoughts]. [In this state] only latent impressions remain. [p70]

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(विराम, virāma) = come to rest; cease; let go
(प्रत्यय, pratyaya) = accurate perception; insight; impression; that which is in the mind
(अभ्यास, abhyāsa) = assidousness; enthusiastic practice
(पूर्वः, pūrvaḥ) = the previous; unmanifested; earlier; past
(संस्कार, saṁskāra) = impressions from the past or from a previous life; our tendencies
(शेष, śeṣa) = that which remains
(अन्यः, anyaḥ) = the other (the other form of insight)