तत्प्रतिषेधार्थमेकतत्त्वाभ्यासः ॥३२॥ tat-pratiṣedha-artham-eka-tattva-abhyāsaḥ ||32|| [RS] 1.32 He who practices assiduously overcomes these obstacles. [JW] 1.32 To check them [let there be] practice upon a single entity. [SS] 1.32 The practice of concentration on a single subject [or the use of one technique] is the best way to prevent the obstacles and their accompaniments. [p52] [TD] 1.32 If one can select an appropriate means to steady the mind and practice this, whatever the provocations, the interruptions cannot take root. [p159] [EB] 1.32 Practice [of fixing the mind] on one object [should be performed] in order to eliminate these disturbances. [p121] <Page 1.31 Page 1.33> | (तत्, tat) = he who; whose (प्रतिषेध्, pratiṣedh) = reduce; diminish (अर्तम्, artam) = meaning (एक, eka) = one (तत्त्व, tattva) = principal; truth; topic (अभ्यासः, abhyāsaḥ) = assiduousness; enthusiastic practice |