विपर्ययो मिथ्याज्ञानमतद्रूप प्रतिष्ठम् ॥८॥ viparyayo mithyā-jñānam-atadrūpa pratiṣṭham ||8|| [RS] 1.8 Error arises from knowledge that is based on a false mental construct. [JW] 1.8 Misconception is an erroneous idea not based on that form [in respect of which the misconception is entertained]. [SS] 1.8 Misconception occurs when knowledge of something is not based upon its true form. [p12] [TD] 1.8 Misapprehension is that comprehension that is taken to be correct until more favorable conditions reveal the nature of the object. [p151] [EB] 1.8 Error is false knowledge stemming from the incorrect apprehension [of something]. [p38] <Page 1.7 Page 1.9> | (विपर्यय, viparyaya) = error; false perception; false knowledge (मिथ्या, mithyā) = false; misleading (ज्ञानम्, jñānam) = knowledge; insight; idea; concept (अ, a) = not (तद्, tad) = that; which; whose (रूप, rūpa) = form; nature (अतद्रूप, atadrūpa) = different form (प्रतिष्ठम्, pratiṣṭham) = rooted, calming, compatible |