देशबन्धः चित्तस्य धार.आ ॥१॥ deśa-bandhaḥ cittasya dhāra.ā ||1|| [RS] 3.1 Harmony with your thoughts and the ability to concentrate are attained by aligning the mutable aspects of humankind with a specific subject. [JW] 3.1 Binding the mind stuff to a place is fixed attention. [SS] 3.1 Dharana is the binding of the mind to one place, object or idea. [p171] [EB] 3.1 Concentration is the fixing of the mind in one place. [p301] <Page 2.55 Page 3.2> | (देश, deśa) = place; location; topic; subject (बन्ध, bandha) = binding to; holding; fixing; uniting (चित्तस्य, cittasya) = all that is mutable/transient in humankind; consciousness (धारणा, dhāraṇā) = concentration; focusing; directing attention |