विभूतिपाद [RS] Yoga-Sutra 3 - Vibhuti Pada: about the results [JW] BOOK THIRD - SUPERNORMAL POWERS [SS] VIBHUTI PADA - Portion on Accomplishments [EB] MYSTIC POWERS
Transition to seedless concentration iii. 4 - 10. The direct aids in combination result in insight and restricted subliminal-impressions and the calm flow of the mind-stuff.
Mutations of substances iii. 11 - 15. In the focused state the concentration holds two time-forms within the span of attention. Mutations are in fixed orders of subliminal impressions in the restricted state.
Culmination of concentration iii. 53 - 55. The particular which is indiscernible in respect of class or term or point in space is intuitively discerned the widest span of objectivity is also discerned. This is the attainment of Isolation.