
सत्त्वपुरुषायोः अत्यन्तासंकीर्णयोः प्रत्ययाविशेषोभोगः परार्थत्वात्स्वार्थसंयमात् पुरुषज्ञानम् ॥३५॥
sattva-puruṣāyoḥ atyantā-saṁkīrṇayoḥ pratyayāviśeṣo-bhogaḥ para-arthat-vāt-sva-arthasaṁyamāt puruṣa-jñānam ||35||

[RS] 3.35 Outer enjoyment (bhoga) arises from a failure to distinguish between the physical world and the true self, which are very different from each other. Knowledge (jhana) of the true self (purusha) arises from meditation (samyama) on matters concerning the true self rather than external matters.

[JW] 3.35 Experience is a presented-idea which fails to distinguish the sativa and the Self, which are absolutely uncommingled [in the presented-idea]. Since the sattva exists as object for another, the [intuitive] knowledge of the Self arises as the result of constraint upon that which exists for its own sake.

[SS] 3.36 The intellect and the Purusha (or Atman) are totally different, the intellect existing for the sake of the Purusha, while the Purusha exists for its own sake. Not distinguishing this is the cause of all experiences; and by samyama on the distinction, knowledge of the Purusha is gained. [p192]

[EB] 3.35 Worldly experience consists of the notion that there is no distinction between the purusa self and pure intelligence, although these two are completely distinct. Worldly experience exists for another [i.e. for purusa]. [By samyama] on that which exists for itself [i.e. purusa], comes knowledge of purusa. [p364]

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(सत्त्व, sattva) = purity; one of the three gunas; the physical world
(पुरुष, puruṣa) = consciousness; self; soul; the true self; the immutable aspects of humankind
(अत्यन्ता, atyantā) = extremely; very
(असंकीर्णयोः, a-saṁ-kīrṇayoḥ) = not connected; different; unmixed
(प्रत्ययः, pratyayaḥ) =  that which is in the mind; thought; perception; mental impression
(अविशेषः, aviśeṣaḥ) = non-differentiation; non-object; non-subject
(भोगः, bhogaḥ) = pleasure; enjoyment
(पर, para) = external
(अर्थ, artha) = desire; goal; matter
(वात्, vāt) = instead of
(स्व, sva) = proprietary; belonging to oneself
(अर्थ, artha) = desire; goal; matter
(संयमात्, saṁyamāt) = deep contemplation; meditation
(पुरुष, puruṣa) = consciousness; self; soul; the true self; the immutable aspect of humankind
(ज्ञानम्, jñānam) = knowledge; insight