क्रमान्यत्वं परिणामान्यतेवे हेतुः ॥१५॥ kramānyatvaṁ pariṇāmānyateve hetuḥ ||15|| [RS] 3.15 Distinctness in transformation (anyatvam-parinama) are based on differences in the sequence. [JW] 3.15 The order of the sequence (krama) is the reason for the order of the mutations. [SS] 3.15 The succession of these different phases is the cause of the differences in stages of evolution. [p183] [EB] 3.15 The change in the sequence [of characteristics] is the cause of the change in transformations [of objects]. [p327] <Page 3.14 Page 3.16> | (क्रम, krama) = sequence; succession (अन्यत्वं, anyatvaṁ) = distinctness; difference (परिणाम, pariṇāma) = change; evolution (अन्यत्व, anyatva) = distinctness; difference (हेतु, hetu) = cause; reason |