
सोपक्रमं निरुपक्रमं च कर्म तत्संयमातपरान्तज्ञानम् अरिष्टेभ्यो वा ॥२२॥
sopa-kramaṁ nirupa-kramaṁ ca karma tatsaṁyamāt-aparāntajñānam ariṣṭebhyo vā ||22||

[RS] 3.22 Meditation (samyama) on foreseeable and unforeseeable causes and causal relationships (karma) gives rise to knowledge (jnana) concerning fate.

[JW] 3.22 Advancing and not-advancing is karma, as a result of constraint upon this [two-fold karma] or from the signs of death [there arises an intuitive] knowledge of the latter end.

[SS] 3.22 In the same way, the disappearance of sound [touch, taste, smell, etc.] is explained. [p186]
[SS] 3.23 Karmas are of two kinds: quickly manifesting and slowly manifesting. By samyama on them, or on the portents of death, the knowledge of the time of death is obtained. [p187]

[EB] 3.22 Karma is ether quick to fructify or slow. By samyama on karma, or on portents, knowledge of [one's] death arises. [p348]

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JHT: SS inserts an extra passage here.

(सोप, sopa) = based on
(क्रम, krama) = sequence; succession
(सोपक्रमं, sopakramaṁ) = based on the process; understandable; foreseeable
(निरुप, nirupa) = not supported; empty
(निरुपक्रमं, nirupakramaṁ) = not based on the process; unforeseeable; not understandable
(, ca) = and
(कर्म, karma) = karma; action; cause or effect of an action; fate
(तत्, tat) = that
(संयमात्, saṁyamāt) = by meditating on; by practising samyama as regards
(अपरान्त, aparānta) = death; end
(ज्ञान, jñāna) = knowledge; understanding
(अरिष्ट, ariṣṭa) = fate
(इभ्य, ibhya) = its
(वा, vā) = or