कायाकाशयोः संबन्धसंयमात् लघुतूलसमापत्तेश्चाकाश गमनम् ॥४२॥ kāyākāśayoḥ saṁbandha-saṁyamāt laghu-tūla-samāpatteśca-ākāśa gamanam ||42|| [RS] 3.42 Meditating (samyama) on the relationship between the body and space and contemplating (samapatti) the lightness of cotton engender the ability to move through space weightlessly. [JW] 3.42 Either as a result of constraint upon the relation between the body and the air (akaca), or (ca) as a result of the balanced-state of lightness, such as that of cotton fibre, there follows the passing through air. [SS] 3.43 By samyama on the relationship between the body and ether, lightness of cotton fiber is attained, and thus traveling through the ether becomes possible. [p195] [EB] 3.42 By performing samyama on the relationship between the body and ether, and by performing samapatti on the lightness of cotton, one acquires the ability to travel through the sky. [p376] <Page 3.41 Page 3.43> | (काय, kāya) = body (आकाश, ākāśa) = space; ether (संबन्ध, saṁbandha) = relationship; connection (संयम, saṁyama) = deep contemplation; meditation (लघु, laghu) = light (तूल, tūla) = cotton (समापत्ति, samāpatti) = connection; becoming; meditation (च, ca) = and (आकाश, ākāśa) = space; ether (गमनम्, gamanam) = movement; to move |