
श्रोत्राकाशयोः संबन्धसंयमात् दिव्यं श्रोत्रम् ॥४१॥
śrotra-ākāśayoḥ saṁbandha-saṁyamāt divyaṁ śrotram ||41||

[RS] 3.41 Meditation (samyama) on the relationship between space and the power of hearing engenders the divine power of hearing.

[JW] 3.41 As a result of constraint upon the relation between the organ-of-hearing and the air (akaca), [there arises] the supernal-organ-of-hearing.

[SS] 3.42 By samyama on the relationship between ear and ether, supernormal hearing becomes possible. [p195]

[EB] 3.41 By samyama on the relationship between the organ of hearing and the ether, divine hearing is attained. [p375]

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(श्रोत्र, śrotra) = ear; hearing
(आकाश, ākāśa) = space; ether
(संबन्ध, saṁbandha) = relationship; connection
(संयम, saṁyama) = deep contemplation; meditation
(दिव्य, divya) = divine; higher
(श्रोत्रम्, śrotram) = hearing